Privacy Policy

Privacy and protection of personal data

As Mfchicken, we take the utmost care with the security of your personal data. Your personal data is processed and stored in accordance with Directive 95/46 / law.

1. How your personal data may be processed

In accordance with Directive 95/46 / your personal data that you share with Mfchicken may be processed by us in whole or in part, automatically or by non-automatic means, insofar as they form part of a data recording system, by obtaining, recording , store, modify, rearrange, in short, subject to any form of processing carried out on the data. Under the Chamber of Commerce, all types of operations performed on data are accepted as “processing of personal data”.

2. Purposes and legal bases for processing your personal data

The personal data you share
To meet the requirements of the services we provide to our customers in accordance with contract and technology requirements, and to improve our products and services offered;
To provide information upon request and in accordance with law to prosecutors, courts and relevant government officials in matters related to public safety and legal disputes;
To offer our members a wide range of options or to share these options with persons or institutions that can provide these options within the legal framework;
To analyze advertising preferences,
Directive 95/46 / and will be processed in accordance with relevant secondary regulations.

3. Information about third parties or organizations to which your personal data may be transferred

For the above purposes, the persons/organizations to whom your personal data you share with Mfchicken may be transferred are our major shareholders, stockholders, advertisers, direct or indirect domestic/foreign affiliates; member companies using the infrastructure and individuals and organizations associated with the service provided, including, but not limited to, member companies using the infrastructure, program partner organizations, domestic/foreign organizations, and other third parties and organizations with whom we receive services, collaborate, program partner organizations, domestic/foreign organizations and other third parties and organizations to conduct our business and/or in the capacity of Data Processor.
Our regulation on cookies for advertising purposes is the “Mfchicken Cookie Policy” and forms part of the “Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy” that you are currently reading. Click here for more information about our cookie policy. (You can access the required cookie policy sample from the link at the bottom of the document)

4. How your personal information is collected

Your personal data,
Information such as surname, first name, address, telephone, business or private e-mail address, preferences on the pages logged in with the username and password, IP data of the transactions carried out, cookie data collected by the browser and data on the duration and browsing details, location data, through forms on the Mfchicken website and mobile applications;
In a physical or virtual environment, face-to-face or remotely, orally or in writing or via electronic media, for purposes such as entering into a commercial relationship with Mfchicken, making job applications, making offers, business cards, resumes, making offers and other means received from people who share their personal data;
In addition, data obtained indirectly through various channels, data obtained from (micro) websites and social media used for websites, blogs, contests, surveys, games, campaigns and similar purposes, e-bulletin reading or click movements, data provided by public databases, profiles and data open to share from social networking sites such as social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.) are processed and collected.

5. Your personal data;

To our business partners with whom we work and/or receive services for the presentation and promotion of products and services,
To the competent authorities that determine your location in the event of an emergency call,
Regulatory and supervisory bodies and other official bodies such as courts and enforcement authorities, other public institutions or organizations authorized to request your personal data,
Legal entities that have a commercial relationship with and have your telephone number,
They can be passed on when deemed necessary.

6. Keeping personal information current and accurate

In accordance with Directive 95/46/EC, Mfchicken is required to keep your personal data accurate and up to date. In this context, to enable Mfchicken to comply with its obligations arising from applicable law, our members are required to share or update accurate and up-to-date data through the website / mobile application.

7. Directive 95/46 / Rights of the data subject

In accordance with Directive 95/46 / relevant article, the rights of the data subject after this date are as follows:
The data subject has the right to turn to Mfchicken (data controller) to;
To find out whether or not personal data is being processed,
Request information if personal data has been processed,
Know the purpose of the processing of personal data and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose,
To know to which third parties personal data is passed on at home or abroad,
To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,
In the event of correction, deletion or destruction of personal data, request that these operations be communicated to third parties to whom personal data are transferred,
To object to the emergence of a result to the detriment of the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
In the event of damage resulting from unlawful processing of personal data, it has the right to claim compensation for the damage.

8. Contact and application method

The data controller to be designated by Mfchicken will be disclosed in the register of data controllers and on the website where this document is available when the legal infrastructure is provided.
Data subjects can send their questions, opinions or requests to the e-mail address can respond positively/negatively in writing or digitally to the submitted requests, if motivated and within 30 days. It is essential that the necessary transactions related to the requests are free of charge. However, if the transactions entail costs, reserves the right to charge a fee.
This agreement was last updated on…/…/…..